31 mai 2012

Managementul Cunoasterii - semnalari

O lucrare de biblioteconomie, Managementul cunoasterii si Bibliotecile aparuta in 2012 in New Delhi ne este semnalata de autor, Promod Kumar Varma.

Knowledge Management and Libraries by Promod Kumar Varma ,New Delhi : Life Span Publishers and Distributor, 2012, 228p., ISBN 9789381709023, Rs. 700/-

Tema este una de actualitate , explozia informationala si ritmul ei impune un sistem de administrare a informatiei   in oricare parte a globului ne-am afla mai ales daca lucram in biblioteci.

 Lucrarea defineste Cunoasterea o clasifica si ii enumera atributele.Cititorul se intalneste cu notiunile de cunoastere tacita, si cunoastere explicita, se vorbeste despre principiile de baza ale codificarii cunoasterii si  a transferului acesteia.
 Importanta Managementului cunoasterii si al informatiilor este particularizata pentru biblioteci in capitolele 4 si 5.Aici se vorbeste despre domeniul pe care aceste concepte ajung sa-l  acopere in viata bibliotecilor si cat de importante sunt.

Capitolul 7 acopera si aria bibliotecilor publice si sunt date detalii despre practicile curente de managementul cunoasterii  si rolul bibliotecarului ca manager de informatie si educator. 

Lucrarea se incheie cu un capitol depre bibliotecile specializate unde este foarte evident rolul in schimbarea bibliotecii si bibliotecarului. 

Multumim pentru semnalare.



First chapter introduction:  has emphasized upon the magnitude of information explosion and the pace at which it is taking place. In this era of IT and internet, with ever increasing pace of data and information explosion, knowledge management has become imperative. The author has also brought about the distinctions between the related concepts, data, information, knowledge and intelligence.

The second chapter has been devoted to knowledge. It explains what knowledge is, its attributes, classification of knowledge. The author has further classified knowledge into Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge. In this chapter the reader will enrich themselves with knowledge codification, its basic principles, knowledge transfer, different modes of knowledge transfer. The chapter also speaks about the three basic steps involved in the knowledge and learning process such as knowledge acquisition, knowledge sharing and knowledge utilization.

Chapter 3 Knowledge Management defines it as the most strategic asset for a company. The author asserts that knowledge management is essential to stay in the competition and also to maintain competitive advantage. The chapter further elaborates the characteristics of  Knowledge Management, benefits of Knowledge Management, modules and Scope of KM, processes and functions of knowledge management.

Chapter 4 and 5 cover Information Management and Knowledge Management, and Libraries and Knowledge Management. The author with the help of saying of eminent personalities in the field of KM has clearly brought out the change in role and scenario of Libraries. It throws light on how important the role of LIS professionals has become in Knowledge Management.

Chapter 6 explicity cover Academic Libraries and Knowledge Management, Academic Librarians Role, Knowledge Creation, Knowledge Capturing and Acquisition. Subsequently,  Public Libraries and Knowledge Management has been covered in chapter 7, which give details about Current Knowledge Management Practices, role of Librarian as Information Manager and Teacher.

The last chapter is devoted to Special Libraries and Knowledge Management, where the author has emphasized upon the changing role of library and librarian. Special Librarians will have to be dynamic and forward looking coupled with an ability to adopt themselves in a new role. Here the author has also covered the five laws of Librarianship.


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