29 ianuarie 2021

Povesti din biblioteci

 Progress Foundation is inviting all CSO professionals from Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Black Sea, and Caspian Sea regions to join the Occupy Library Innovators Hub’s events! The series of free, online, share & learn events for CSOs and public libraries continues with Libraries are great? Prove it! Data and evidence-based storytelling, led by Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager, and Kristine Paberza-Ramiresa, IFLA Member Engagement Officer.  

The workshop is conducted by EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) Public Library Innovation Programme and IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), and will focus on what data about services or programs libraries should collect and how to use the data in telling compelling stories.

Join us on 29th of January, 15:00 EET and let’s shape together the story of our communities!

Register here: ➡️https://forms.gle/PkdvdW9JULzxmHbYA 

For details: Anca Râpeanu, Project Manager occupylibrary@progressfoundation.ro

Libraries are great? Prove it!

Ugne Lipeikaite, EIFL-PLIP Impact Manager, & Kristine Paberza-Ramiresa, IFLA - International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Member Engagement Officer are leading the workshop: <Libraries are great? Prove it! Data and evidence-based storytelling>

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Dăruiește o carte unui copil

În 14 februarie se sărbătorește, pe lângă Ziua Internațională a Cărții Dăruite , și Ziua Iubitorului de Bibliotecă . În Statele Unite luna f...


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