Sunteti invitati sa va implicati in conversatia globala pe tema - starea actuala si viitoare a bibliotecilor- in cadrul conferintei virtuale Library 2.011 worldwide virtual conference care va avea loc in 2-3 noiembrie 2011.Participarea este gratuita , si va putea fi urmarita online pe tot globul.
Subiectele sunt:
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"We are pleased to announce the Library 2.011 worldwide virtual conference, November 2 - 3, 2011. The conference will be held online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and will be free to attend.
To be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please join the Library 2.0 network.
The Library 2.011 conference is a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. Subject strands include the changing roles of libraries and librarians, the increasing impact of digital media and the e-book revolution, open educational resources, digital literacy, shifts from information consumption to production (Web 2.0), multimedia and gaming spaces, libraries as community centers, the growth of individualized and self-paced learning, the library as the center of new learning models, understanding users in the digital age, assessing service delivery, and defining leadership and information professional careers in a networked and changing world."
Subiectele sunt:
- rolul in schimbare al bibliotecilor.
- impactul in crestere a mediei digitale ,
- revolutia cartilor electronice,
- alfabetizare digitala,
- bibliotecile , centre de generare a noi modele educationale...
Mai multe amanunte la adresa
"We are pleased to announce the Library 2.011 worldwide virtual conference, November 2 - 3, 2011. The conference will be held online, in multiple time zones over the course of two days, and will be free to attend.
To be kept informed of the latest conference news and updates, please join the Library 2.0 network.
The Library 2.011 conference is a unique chance to participate in a global conversation on the current and future state of libraries. Subject strands include the changing roles of libraries and librarians, the increasing impact of digital media and the e-book revolution, open educational resources, digital literacy, shifts from information consumption to production (Web 2.0), multimedia and gaming spaces, libraries as community centers, the growth of individualized and self-paced learning, the library as the center of new learning models, understanding users in the digital age, assessing service delivery, and defining leadership and information professional careers in a networked and changing world."